The kids were enjoying time in the yard- sprinkler/trampoline/pool with their friends when Jessie yells the word that strikes fear in every fiber of my being. "Snake". I have always had a phobia- Always!! Before we moved in (I noted the big field behind, and am not sure I was aware of the canal- can't imagine I was- but I was 7 mos pregnant with twins- anyway) I remember asking if they ever saw snakes. No was the answer. Unfortunately within a month or two of moving in- their lie was unmasked. It has been the undoing of my love of having a home of my own. It is pathetic I know- but... it causes such anxiety in me.... I can't even explain it. I pray 1st for the horrible things to stay away, and 2nd to ... I don't even know what to pray for. I try to do things to keep them away, but... So on this day, I called my mother- fearing that I was having a panic attack- then cried- then looked out to see the kids (good thing we had a brave neighbor here) holding the horrible thing- they even named it Flicky. Yeah!! Don't get me wrong, I am thankful that they were able to do this and that they may, God willing, not have my intense fear, BUT.... it changes nothing for me. As many of the things that I enjoy about this house- this trumps them all. And so.... in the future (due to this wonderful economy)... probably way into the future- I will call somewhere else home. Unless the snakes decided to call somewhere else home first. Let's all pray for that to happen sooner rather than later!
10 years ago
ok...that snake is tiny! but I hear you, a phobia is a phobia. I hate snakes.
We went fishing at this little lake by my parent's house this summer and as I was climbing up the wobbly rocks to the bank, I almost stepped on a HUGE snake! As I turned to set my other foot down to flee, I almost stepped on ANOTHER HUGE snake!
I screamed. Swear words. Many times.
Hey.... might I just add that I know this snake is tiny- it is a baby- but... usually we have the mommy's. And Lindsey, I would have had to be medicated if that had happened to me.
Let's keep an eye out for other places in the neighborhood for you. That way we can keep you without making you live with slithering things. No snakes here around the corner!
Were you dry-heaving when you took the pic of the snake???? Looks like some serious backyard fun!!! Love ya babe!!
my MIL lives up against the canal and has tons of these in her backyard. She is also mortally afraid of them, so this year she called an exterminator, and he came and sprayed this stuff and that was is the spring. they haven't seen a single snake all summer long!
Linda, you are officially on my blog roll. Thanks for stopping in! It's great to keep in touch, if only through our journals...
I hope all is going well for you - how you have gotten your feet under after having twins is beyond me! Way to go!
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